Tanami Gold Mine – 2x Longer Lifespan with Slurryflex Reducer
Solving a simple slurry piping engineering problem at Newmont’s Tanami gold mine has improved productivity in the plant and doubled the lifespan of the pipework.
Tanami’s maintenance team gave us a call when they were having issues with leaking pipework around their slurry pumps. A vibrating pump was causing the pipes to misalign, and this was leading to frequent unscheduled maintenance.
The site was using two rubber-lined spools—a straight spool and a reducer—and a flexible coupling to connect the pump and adjoining pipework.
Our piping specialist assessed the problem and recommended using a mining hose that would address the shock and vibration issues, while also quietening the pump noise.
The Tanami team decided to replace the two spools and coupling with a Slurryflex SD Series reducer mining hose. It is far better than a rigid steel spool at absorbing vibration and noise around slurry pumps.
Our Brisbane team custom built the reducer to fit between the different pipe diameters, and then delivered it to site where it easily bolted into place.
This simple change means the pipework is now lasting twice as long, and the team can make it to the next shutdown free from unscheduled repairs.
Newmont Client Logo
Year 2021
Location Northern Territory
Value $0.1M

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