You shouldn’t have to put up with the same pipe spools failing over and over. Stop limping to the next shutdown. And no more bandaging elbows. Slurry piping audits help you improve plant performance and avoid unplanned shutdowns.

Ready for less maintenance and more uptime?
Talk to us to find out if a slurry piping audit is right for your plant.

Tap into our slurry piping expertise
Our slurry piping experts have seen it all. Every wear scenario across every application.
We walk through your plant with you to look at the problem areas. Then we do the analysis to figure out the causes and give you a detailed report with practical recommendations. The changes we’d make in your shoes to fix the problems.

Let’s get on-site and on top of your reliability issues
One of our experts will join you on-site and walk through the plant with you. Together, we’ll look at the high-wear problem areas causing maintenance dramas. We can even help you spot high-risk areas that are likely to fail early.
We'll take photos, measurements, drawings, and 3D scans to capture every detail, so your audit report will be thorough and accurate.

Get your report with practical recommendations
Next, we'll go off and do the analysis for you. Our slurry piping expert will then write your comprehensive audit report.
It will be packed full of practical recommendations—the things we'd do in your shoes. They'll cover everything from improved piping layouts to different materials and products. Every fix, change, and improvement we recommend is based on real-world experience and backed by proven case studies.